Westarctica has Returned!

A Short Biography of Jon-Lawrence

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Flags over Moulton-Berlin
The Duchy of Morrow
The Barony of Baldwin
The Duke
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The personal blazon of Jon-Lawrence, Duke of Moulton-Berlin.

Moulton-Berlin is a Duchy governed by his Grace, Jon-Lawrence.

About the Duke

The Duke is an honored vetran of the USAF, disabled in the line of duty.  He is a graduate of the Molossian Military and Molossian Naval Academy.  He holds the honorary rank of Commodore in the Molossian Navy. In 2007 the Duke accepted an appointment within the United States Government. 
The Duke holds the rank of Grand Knight in the Holy Order of Saints.  Jon-Lawrence has recently beome a Knight Commander in the Holy Order of the Cross, a national order of Westarctica.  He is the patron of two orders:  The Order of the Tiger and the Order of Saint Valentine.
More recently, the Duke was honored with membership in the Order of Cravant.  Within the order the Duke is known as Cavalier Baron Jon-Lawrence Patrick Mathew Langer of Schuylkill, 2nd Cavalry Regiment.

The Grand Duchy of Westarctica

Moulton-Berlin is the oldest holding of the House of Langer.  Surrounded by Westarctica, the duchies are linked to our neighbor's fortunes.  Granted to the house of Langer By Westarctica's first Grand Duke, these lands and the claim to them are protected by the terms of Travis'  tranfer of power to Philip I, Grand Duke of Westrarctica.  
6/23/2008 If any have information on the disappearance of Westarctica, please contact the Duke directly.
12/31/08 after months of preparation, Westarctica.org has launched!